EPDM and VMZINC training
Training courses for professionals.
VM Building solutions offers training courses for professionals, enabling them to learn and improve their skills in pitched roof, flat roof, façade techniques and rainwater systems.
Whether it's for zinc or EPDM, our dedicated teams of instructors deliver these courses to roofing and façade professionals, either in approved training centres or at distributors' shops.
The aim of these courses is to learn the basic rules, perfect theoretical knowledge and enhance practical experience. They are adapted to all levels.
VM Building Solutions also organises practical training days especially for architects.

Training for VMZINC solutions
In each country, training courses can be organised by local teams. They combine theoretical and practical sessions on life-size mock-ups.
They are delivered by highly qualified specialists with years of experience dedicated to passing on their knowledge.
Thanks to these training courses:
- Installers improve the quality of their technical skills in VMZINC products,
- They can install them in accordance with the state of the art
- They can be sure of providing a high quality service to their customers.
Different modules in welding, roofing and facades can be offered depending on requirements.
Contact the teams in your country to find out which modules are available and how to register.

Training for EPDM membranes
Several training modules are offered depending on the participants' level of maturity in relation to EPDM membranes. Taking our training courses not only gives the benefit of theoretical modules, it also gives the chance to practise skills on full-scale models.
Contact the teams in your country to find out which modules are available and how to register.